Chat with AI tutors!
[Chat with AI tutors! Learning a language is simple and fun.]
Around-the-clock AI foreign teachers in English, Chinese, Spanish and French are available to chat with you!
[ By voice and text. AI tutors will keep a conversation going!]
No matter if you want to type or talk, its a breeze! Dont fret over coming up with conversation topics; AI foreign teachers have an inexhaustible supply of them!
[Enhance expression instantly! Get better as you chat more!]
You can use the one-click optimization feature to quickly enhance your communication skills, and with more practice, your improvement will become increasingly noticeable!
[Translate words and sentences. Make progress every day!]
When you come across a word that you can not understand, you can easily look it up and improve your foreign language skills while chatting.
[Stumped? Finding examples is a breeze.]
If you are unsure of how to answer a question, you can simply click to get examples.
Its a great way to practice conversation in a foreign language!
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